‘Tis the Season for gifts...and insurance

‘Tis the Season for gifts...and insurance

December 14, 2022

Insurance is probably the last thing on your mind right now when there are decorations to put up, cookies to bake, gifts to wrap and family to see. But during all the festivities (or maybe well before), you’ve likely purchased some nice holiday gifts that have sentimental and monetary value. This season, it’s important to think about protecting your gifts with valuable items insurance.  

If you or one of your family members receive expensive jewelry, watches, electronics or even a set of golf clubs, you may need an extra layer of insurance protection beyond your home insurance. While a typical homeowners insurance policy includes limited coverage for jewelry and other valuable items, it may not cover the full value of your more expensive items. Valuable items insurance offers increased coverage for your most valuable items in the event they are lost, stolen or damaged. 

Protecting your valuables from loss may be an affordable option depending on your needs. And it will give you peace of mind that those recently purchased gifts will be protected should anything happen to them.    

This blog post is not offered, and should not be relied on, as insurance advice. You should consult an insurance agent for advice in specific situations.